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  • sunyoga

New Classes in October

Abundance, abundance, abundance!

Here are many new classes and two new teachers for you in October:

hot hatha-tantra75 - New!

w Christoph ·EN

Tuesday, 20.15-21.30


Take part in a yoga ritual of transformation: Starting with a slow flow to get in the zone. Then we holding positions long using breath retention (kumbhaka) and energy locks (bandhas) to transform and store energy in our field. We practice in a circle in darkness.

hot vinyin60 - New!

w Katrin ·EN

Saturday, 9.15-10.15


VinYin combines a powerful, active Vinyasa practice with a gentle, passive Yin practice. While the Vin part creates focus and strength through the combination of breathing and movement, the Yin part concentrates on allowing and observing. The combination of both styles creates a practice that is both active and powerful as well as yielding and introspective.

hot challenge - New in Kreuzberg from Oct 9th!

w Thomas ·EN

Wednesday, 19.45-20.45

(classic class before starts 17.30 now)


This class is supposed to introduce you to everything you need for most advanced yoga postures: arm balancing, core strength, back bends, shoulder + hip flexibility and inversions. In a safe way we practice a sequence that allows freedom here and there to adjust to the needs of the students on one hand, and challenge them to leave their comfort-zone on the other. All students welcome, advanced students will get advanced options. Are you up for the challenge?!

hot morning flow60 - New!

w Charly ·EN - New from 8.10. on!

Tuesday, 8.00-9.00

STUDIO XBRG >> booking

w Janna ·EN - New from 18.10. on!

Friday, 9.15-10.15

STUDIO FHAIN >> booking

Enjoy a gentle morning flow to start your day! The asanas of the free sequences are combined with the sun salutation. Breathing and movement merge into a flowing yoga experience. With a focus on precise alignment, different body positions are varied in a harmonious and creative flow. The room temperature of 38°C makes the practice even more effective.

hot vinyasa+breath60 - New from 9.10.!

w Janna ·EN

Wednesday, 12.30-13.30


Hot vinyasa and breathwork in a perfect blend by an incredible teacher.

Make your lunch break an energy booster!

hot pilates60 - New from 8.10.!

w Ellie ·EN

Tuesday, 12.30-13.30


Get ready to heat things up in this dynamic Hot Mat Pilates class! Use body weight, props and creative sequencing we will strengthen your core, enhance stability, and improve your everyday posture. This invigorating, full-body workout tones muscles and boosts your yoga practice by building strength and endurance. Don’t forget to bring water, a towel, and your amazing selves to the mat! Let’s turn up the heat and elevate your practice together!

Ellie is new to our studio: She is a passionate Pilates teacher hailing from Australia and New Zealand, with a lifelong connection to wellness and movement. She believes that energy and knowledge are deeply stored within the body and enjoys helping her clients and community tap into this wisdom through movement. As a dancer and performer, Ellie infuses her classes with creativity and fun, ensuring that every session is not only transformative but also joyful. Her approach is all about connecting people to themselves, fostering both physical and emotional well-being in a supportive and energetic environment.

hot poweryoga60 - New from 24.10.!

w Riza ·EN

Thursday, 9.30-10.30


Riza teaches strong, flowy, and fiery Power Vinyasa Yoga, offering a challenging practice inspired by Power, Rocket, and Ashtanga Yoga. With options for arm balances, inversions, and deep backbends, her classes encourage you to "get comfortable being uncomfortable."

Riza is new to our studio: For her, yoga is a form of "moving meditation" that allows you to "tune out to tune in"— or, more precisely, to get out of your head and into your body. It’s not about mastering every single asana but about how consciously and with what mindset

you approach them. It’s also about recognizing when to push and challenge yourself, and when you’re actually more empowered by taking it slow and doing less. No matter how your practice unfolds in her classes, you will be guided to feel empowered on a holistic level—

mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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